Sunday, July 04, 2010


This, I believe, is the very first FFXI video I made and published in my blog, nearly four years ago. There were some problems back then, and I ended up replacing the video (that didn't work) with a picture (that worked). I heard the song again today, and since I've had these weird dreams lately etc. etc. I ended up slapping translation texts on the video and reposting it.

There's a story behind the video (of course), but it's not half as melodramatic as the video, so let's not go there. Instead, let me tell you another little story:

Pasifika and Phu met for the first time (ever!) in front of the Windurst Airship Agency. The elvaan looked at the tiny hume, the hume stared at the towering elvaan.... the dialogue between them went a bit like this:

"Well, aren't you a cute one! :o"

"And you're... so tall... o_O"

Please disregard the shaky camerawork, clumsy editing and extreme lag in some of the scenes... and my fascination with zooming & rotating the camera. Hey, at least I've come a long way since... ^^;

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