Monday, February 09, 2009


Blogs have lots of them.

I found a thingy that made a lovely word cloud out of Pasifika's blog, although I'm not sure if all posts are counted. Seems kind of assault-oriented, and that's only in the newest half (or less) of posts. :o

(You can click on the pic to see bigger version, but it's... quite big.)

Too keep that one company, I also made one from the blog of a certain tarutaru I happen to know.

I just did it without any permission, so I can't possibly tell you which taru it is... Seems to be a PUP and NIN loving party animal. :o

Edit: Follow-up
I copied the text from a buch of a bit older posts (in 2008 though) and got a somewhat different cloud... and not just the colors, or lack of them.

I'll try to stop making them now. At least I wont post them... ^^;


Dibble said...

Hehe! This is cool!

I particularly like how you chose colors that made it look more party like!

What concerns me though is a) how unprominent BLM is b) how much i use the word head oO

Sefie said...

Oh, oh, where can I make one myself? url plz!

Pasifika said...

"Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds"