Thursday, January 29, 2009

Adventures of Romidiant

Pasifika's fine adventuring fellow Romidiant is always ready, and any day is a fine day for adventuring. :D
Romi teamed up with his good friend Feliz, and Pasifika and Lina tagged along to the depths of Quicksand caves.

Romidiant was feeling steadily more optimistic about his next level approaching, first announcing he had a long way to go but soon estimating he was nearing the half point of his level.

Romi isn't only interested in fighting. He also enjoys a leisurely chat every now and then, and he loyally served as bodyguard to two little tarutarus in Tahrongi Canyon when Pasifika was helping them and Lina take down some dhalmels.

The following day little Trella-la called her adventuring fellow out to show Pasifika what a striking resemblance there was. Amerita could've Pasifika's twin! (But strangely enough, she's not but Lina is! :D)

Pasifika invited Romidiant over and introduced the two, but he naturally had no trouble telling them
apart. He seemed to take a liking to the blond young lady, though. ;)

Just a moment later, Pasifika faced a similar challenge when she suddenly saw two Romidiants. :O
Identical except for their gear, these two were quite a pair... Could Pasifika's Romi be a bit jealous of the other one's fancy gear? >_>

Romidiant (Pasifika's, that is) kept insisting his next level was close indeed, but nothing came out of it this time.... :/

Next time, surely..!

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