Thursday, October 02, 2008

Phu has left the building

962 – 1057

Not all had the honour of knowing General Phucrabiont personally, so let me say a few words.

He was a good friend, and a loving husband. Over the years, I had the chance to enjoy the fruits of his wisdom and knowledge, as he was a gifted story-teller, bringing to life the history and mysteries of Vana’diel.

His memories from the olden times certainly put things into perspective: while young adventurers these days complain about having to walk all the way to Jeuno once, such treks were common in his youth, and they had to walk barefoot in snow (or was it lava?) and uphill both ways. Such hardships only made him stronger.

General Phucrabiont was an accomplished military strategist and a stern leader. The quests and missions lead by him were invariably successful, even the one where I accidentally woke up the dragon in the middle. ._.

He was a loyal San d’Orian, and in his later years even a strong candidate for the throne of the kingdom. I guess Pieuje and Trion will just have to sort things out on their own now.

I doubt the world will see such a charming elvaan, fast caster and witty conversationalist in another hundred years, or more.

Indeed, General Phucrabiont was a red mage par excellence …and quite energetic for a 95 year old… venerable veteran. *cough*(Ancient)*cough*

Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Your mileage may vary.

1 comment:

Sefie said...

Nyt muistankin; kävin katsomassa tätä aiemmin mutta en lukenut itse tekstiä kun olin niin kyyneleissä vielä... x) On se niin vaikeaa.