Friday, September 19, 2008

Something's fishy...

Pasifika got a new fishing rod, and this time it's a rod for big fish... not so likely to snap as some. Like the last one, for example... ;>_>

So, it can catch big fishies... how about catching a real big one and sending it as a thank-you for the rod? Yeah, with a wonderful lvl 2 fishing skill, that's a glorious idea! ;D

Pasifika tried her luck at Qufim first, and upset some of the fish on the shore by pulling up the ones in the sea. Ok, ok, there's probably a better place.... there were no fish on the shore at Kraken's (and Kraken didn't mind), so Pasifika settled down there for a while. The goblin bounty hunters were similarily oblivious at the icy lake, where Pasifika caught some... rusty junk. >_>

There's bound to be big, tasty fish in the pond where a notorious monter lives, right? Ok, so a pond with an undead nm is a bit dubious, but Pasifika caught some monsters and more junk from there as well.

Pasifika went fishing in various interesting locations, and got fish that were thi~~s big, no lie! For some reason there was none to bring home, though, or to send as thanks for the rod. Maybe it was a mistake to let a mithra look after the catch, after all. :o

Oh, Lina and Pasifika also made a song and dance about partying: with Lina as bard and Pasifika dancing, they pranced around Sarutabaruta, having fun. ^^

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