The mission itself went smoothly in both places, but the real, um, "adventure" for Pasifika occurred in Beadeaux after Nakago had recieved some necessary items but was still coming back there. Pasifika had been poking her nose to
All out of mp and hp going to red, Pasifika decided her best hope was to reach brave little tarudin, who was fighting tougher monsters some distance away. She ran like the wind! ...and all the quadavs in her path joined the pursuit. ^^;
A summoner tried to help her - judging by the fact that after she finally stopped, Garuda was fighting the last quadav of the train - but was left baffled as Pasifika kept on going until she reached her tarutaru meat shield.
At this point Nakago had returned to Jeuno and was coming back to Beadeaux to finish his important mission. While Donthitme singlehandedly fought the quadav swarm, Pasifika had ample time to sit down and heal - and up she bounced, with cures and regens for the weary fighter! When only few quadavs were left, Lina joined the fight and when the quadavs were down to two, Pasifika felt safe enough to join the melee herself - and got her reraise dispelled. :/
Reraise wasn't needed, though, as the three adventurers defeated the poor quadavs trying to defend their homes. By that time, Nakago had returned to Jeuno a second time and had a very secret meeting with the Archduke himself... and he was awarded the airship pass!
Congratulations Nakago, and thanks for the adventure Lina and Donthitme!
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