Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Loo~ng maintenance, bored imagination running wild... x)

Well, no, this isn't really the product of the last maintenance, or even all the ones I've had to endure. I've worked on it for quite a while just for the fun of making it, but I thought it'd be nice to share it with someone here (well, if anyone happens to read this blog, that is) if I ever get it near the state of perfection I'm striving for... But look, I've finished making the 'trailer' already! xD

A moment in (Vana'diel) time - a FFXI relationships sim game

A bit of (hopefully at least) slightly amusing parody with some lame inside jokes thrown in, coming out probably this year! ^^;


Anonymous said...

Im looking forward to it!!



Sefie said...

"...or else!"

Pahoja otuksia. x)