This is adventurer's life as it was meant to be! People to help, truths to uncover, a couple of monsters to kill, quest to complete... :D
Pasifika started with Donthitme, because he needed to gather a party of Windurstians, but she ended up as a kindergarten teacher... well, the Tarutarus didn't actually ask for one, but they couldn't get rid of her... x) Cheer little tarus, cheer!
Things really got going when Pasifika latched on to Phucrabiont for some interesting and exciting quests. ^_^ First to the north, to get an ahriman lens (once again)... Some fighting for those, but the battles in Garlaige Citadel for a special key were a bit tougher.
As a dedicated white mage, Pasifika took on one of the undead. The duel didn't go too well, but the patient little tarudin mainly just looked on and let her fight for herself... ^^; So, Pasifika wasn't quite the vanquisher of the undead she would've liked to be, but she grabbed the key the others got and ran for it~... or something. ^^;
Pasifika was mainly useful as a doorstop, but that didn't prevent her from reaching the furnace room where the panicked tarus had asked her to go. How does anybody manage to bring their trash to this incinerator anyway, when it's behind all those doors and there are monsters around..? O_o
Where's the secret tunnel to Windurst, huh? Anyway, the two Tarutarus were so overjoyed when Pasifika returned safely - and saved their little rear ends! x)
But this was just the beginning of the adventures! Pasifika and Phucrabiont headed to the Purgonorgo Isle - this time just the two of them - and took a guided tour on the manaclipper before actually getting on with the very important quest... The guide's stories were interesting, but there were also some (rather unfortunate ^^;) sea creatures to provide the adventurers with entertainment.
No need to fight constantly though, plenty of time for enjoying the brisk sea-breeze and the enchanting view as well... mm... *_*
One of Pasifika's favourite parts of the adventure, though there were many other enjoyable moments along the way. ^_^
So, there's something fishy going on on the beautiful island... But wait, what are you doing to those cute little black Mandragoras! o_O And mandys, get off Phucrabiont, you'll just get hurt - and besides, Phu's {mine} so back off! D: Why does everyone want a piece of this red mage... x)
Just as Pasifika suspected, the mandys weren't responsible for the trouble, but a lot of good it did to them... ^^; 'Attack first, ask questions later' seems to be the basic adventurer's motto... not eveyone is as inquisite as Pasifika.
Phucrabiont and Pasifika returned to Windurst to report their findings, but the mystery was far from being solved. Next they had to find a Mithra tracker... but what a pleasant suprise! A horrible dragon appeared, but instead of just telling the adventurers to deal with it, she took the big lizard on herself...
Hope you're as tough as you look! I'd love to help you, but I have to go defend Al Zahbi again, so I really can't stay... x)
A lot of questions were left unaswered at this point, but there really was no time, Besieged awaited~!
The Lamia, with their undead, were attacking once again, and Pasifika joined the defenders of the empire with Phucrabiont. Otherwise all went well with Pasifika (though not all that well for some others, unfortunately ;_;) but she became charmed by Lamia Nro.3 at one point and advanced towards Phucrabiont with her hammer drawn...
Well, she went right past, but the Lamia struck brave General Phucrabiont down with a critical strike! o_o; That may have been for the best, though - Phu had planned on launching a devastating spell on little Pasifika! O_o Some others tried to sleep her, but none luckily attacked her while she was charmed... ^^;
Well, wouldn't Lamia Nro.3 be Pasifika's new best friend now for saving her life from the e~vil red mage? XD
Hmmm... what's this in the delivery box? A big pile of Angelwings from Phucrabiont..?? Oooh, apology accepted! x) Where should I fly~ :D
Back to the Moghouse
It's been a good few months and I have enjoyed it. I enjoyed most of my
game time and did a fair few things I'm proud of. However, what I didn't
do was ...
12 years ago
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