Monday, June 14, 2010

On and off and on again~

A lot of things have been happening in the weird world of real life, and my adventuring has been rather sporadic lately. It's always wonderful to feel welcome when I happen to drop in, thoug! LS friends greeting me with (varying degrees of) enthusiasm, and the lycopodiums, oh how they dance for me... *_*

I can't blame my lack of adventures entirely on the stuff happening in real life.... It's not like I've had absolutely no time to sit down for a nice, exciting adventure, it's just that I haven't really felt like there are any waiting for me.

Here are some rl pics, because I don't have that many screenshots to post...

I should've have been trying to do one of these things:

This is what I ended up with, because of my impatience and some other factors... but I did get the sound! (Those are clay rooster whistles, in case you didn't know.)

A pic of what the place is like (it's a museum), a very nice and interesting place:

Something else I made last week, totally unrelated to the above things, but I think it's pretty:

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