Friday, July 03, 2009

Random adventures - now with labels!

I finally got around to adding some labels to these post, and I even made a label cloud out of them. It should be somewhere over there (left) and if it isn't, there's probably something wrong... ^^;

I'm not expecting any huge demand for accurately labelled posts in my blog, so I settled for broad categories like "missions" (nation missions, CoP and all such go under this label) and "adventure" (adventuring which isn't necessarily exping, questing or doing missions).

Some popular themes like "tarutaru" and "Phu" got their own categories because there are posts dedicated solely to those topics. Not all post mentioning tarus are listed under "tarutaru", though - only posts that make a special point of mentioning the topic (or go on and on and on about it) get the label.

There may be some mistakes and it's theoretically possible some posts got somehow messed up when I re-published them with the labels, but I didn't notice any glaring problems with a glance. If you notice something wrong, please let me know so I can fix it.

Here's another word cloud (made with Wordle) of the most recent posts. It says "Galka" a lot, with a touch of "Hume" and Bastok", but there's a healthy dose of "Taru" and "Tarutaru", too :D

Back to the point: I haven't labelled the oldest post that are in Finnish, but I've been wondering if I should make some effort to translate them. If nothing else, they'd complete the stories of Pasifika's adventuring days as well as her fated romance with the elvaan General... but I'm not sure if anyone cares. (If you do, plese tell me.)

I did put the Finnish posts through Google translator to see if I could get help for easy translation there, but the effect was comic, to put it mildly. Finnish is a difficult language to translate, and the special terminology made it even more incomprehensible. When "translated" from Finnish to English, "tarutaru" becomes "fabulous fabulous". o_O That may be an accurate description, but that's not what "taru" means in Finnish. o_o;

1 comment:

Sefie said...

How the hell does taru become fabulous o_O I quote wikipedia:

"Taru tarkoittaa seuraavia asioita:

* Taru, naisen etunimi
* Taru, muinaisten heettiläisten säiden jumala
* Taru, hedelmällisyyden jumala muinaisessa Lähi-idän mytologiassa
* M/S Taru, laiva
* taru eli satu
* taru eli legenda
* taru eli myytti
* taru eli myyttinen kertomus
* taru eli saaga."

Although yes, machine-translated stuff is hilarious. x) Also, I'm pleased that Phu has his own label! :D