Sunday, June 28, 2009

Galkas everywhere~ o_o

Most Bastok missions revolve around the Galkas - not suprisingly. They pop up everywhere, and it seems the Humes actually have only a rather faint idea of what's going on.

These missions double as lessons of Galkan history, too. The adventurers were dispathed to explore the caves under Altepa Desert, and they ended up finding ancient murals depicting the sad tale of the Anticans driving the Galkas from their original home. So tragic, and so ancient... (Hmmm perhaps General Phu saw these wall before Galkas doodled all over them...)

Before the history lesson there were some Anticans to defeat, however. Pasifika and Lina were helped by a wonderful puppet, and a Hume that came along with it.
Oh, I can't go through with that... Thanks Astarael~~ ^_^

When you think of Bastok you think of Galkas, and the other way around... but Pasifika also befriended a cool San d'Orian Galka - in the icy North, appropriately. :o

But that was actually another adventure altogether... where was I?

After the Anticans in the tunnel... a gigantic slime in another tunnel. And it turned into lots of smaller slimes, more and more of them... o_o

But we beat the slimes, thank you for all the help!

Now we're nearing the final showdown, and after that... all three corners of the world will be safe fot Tarutarus!! :D

Soon Pasifika can return home to Windurst, to the familiar lo~ng winding roads, Tarutarus flocking all around, gentle breeze from the sea whispering in the palm trees... *_*

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tarutarus~! ...I mean, missions!

When Pasifika's tarutaru-sense tingled, she knew there was a party somewhere, with a tarutaru-content of at least 50 %, and it was in some kind of trouble!

Pasifika's premonitions lead her to Crawler's Nest, where a taru ninja tank was battling evil crawlers with annoying sticky thread. :O With two other tarus, two humes and a galka, the party was managing, but not doing very well.

Pasifika to the rescue~!

The taru content of the party increased as time went by, and they were so~ cute. ^_^

Pasifika has been very busy helping tarus, entertaining Moogle and doing other similarly important tasks, but Lina reminded her that they should also do some national missions. Ah yes, Pasifika is a Bastoker now, and she should do her best to make sure the Republican areas are safe. Cid had asked for something a while back, what was it again...

First, Lina lead Pasifika to Ro'Maeve, and together they defeated an evil statue. The fight wasn't very hard, although there were some complications later, but all in all things went well, no problem.

Were everyone happy with this heroic feat? Not really... There were more problems just waiting to pop to the surface, and Lina and Pasifika were dispatched to the Palborough Mines to find a lost adventurer.

The trail lead to the burning circle, and there was a crowd there! :O

...but only Lina and Pasifika were interested in saiving poor Hani. ^^;

They did their best and managed to bring down one of the four quadavs, but after that they had to, er, retreat and regroup.

Luckily a great samurai came to help them, and the quadavs didn't stand a chance after that. :D

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Where has all the banter gone...

I liked the Europa linkshell site where people could gather forces for missions and NMs but also talk about everything in FFXI and outside it. Mustrum's comments were actually beverage-through-you-nose kind of dangerous, but he was by no means the only funny or interesting one there.

This is not the same as the actual LS blog/site, obviously, but as long as there's no more official active site, perhaps it could serve some similar purposes: Lina's FFXI forum

This forum was made a while ago, but we never got around to advertising it or even telling friends about it, so nothing happened. It feels a bit weird to tell people to go to the mainly empty forum, but we'll just have to hope people start filling it. :D

I miss the planning, talk and weird banter, and since I don't play that many hours per day, I'm not that well versed in what's going on in LS or FFXI in general. People I knew and liked just disappear without a trace - or come back when I had no idea they were actually gone - or someone organises interesting activities, and those not on at that specific moment may never know. I'm not saying you *have to* tell anyone these things, but it would be kind of nice... so here's the chance for those who want it.

Monday, June 08, 2009

It's Kitty again, run~

Another exciting episode in the life of a cute and fluffy* Kitty.

*May contain some sharp edges.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Mithra Thief (and Taru Paladin)

Another attempt at the legendary big birdie!

This time Pasifika and Dhm were doubly lucky: no competition for the big bird and it happened to have the coveted dagger with it, too. :D

... but a thief took it! :o

After many hours of hunting that bird and getting pecked to death by it and all... >_>

It's a nice thief, though.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Spectator Sports

Ohh, the excitement of watching an intence match~!

Well, a lot of the excitement comes from the fact that tarutarus are involved, of course. :o (No... casting... cures... We'll claim if taru dies (noooo~~ ;_;))

Today Pasifika and Dhm were hunting Kreutzet at the far reaches of Cape Terrigan, but both times someone else snatched the big bird. First time it was the cutest lil taru red mage who soloed the beast all by him/herself. (There's really no way to tell when a taru has headgear on. o_o;)

/cheer tarutaru! No dagger for the brave taru who defeated the bird, though, and poor Dhm obviously got nothing as well.

The second time Dhm had a lot of help, and even some practice. Pasifika brought Romidiant out as healer, so that he could back her up should push come to shove, and he needed the practice. You might think it's easy to be the backup of a support job, but let's not forget Pasifika is a melee white mage! Ok, she had promised not to melee the notorious monster, but everything else is ok, right? Despite that, Romi was right on top of things from the beginning:

- Casting buffs on himself at all times: check (It's important to be prepared!)
- Casting haste at irregular intervals: check (Those were for Pasifika, so that's extra points.)
- Casting cures if things got too bad : check (Good boy!)
- Enfeebling with little to no effect: check (It's the thought that counts!)
- Silencing melee mobs: check (Um, the thought still counts, right? ^^;)

And importantly:
- Meleeing, complete with ws every now and then: check ((Front line job) mage :D)
- Magic bursting: check (O_O)

The last bit was a bit of a suprise from an adventuring fellow, but Romi has always been a good and wise companion. :O
Go Romidiant! :D

On the other hand, silencing melee mobs is Pasifika's weak point - if only she could muster that kind of blind enthusiasm, she would pass for Dhm's adventuring fellow any day.

The second time around, an elvaan & tarutaru duo got the monster, and it's treasure too. Let's hope next time it's Dhm's turn. :D