Most Bastok missions revolve around the Galkas - not suprisingly. They pop up everywhere, and it seems the Humes actually have only a rather faint idea of what's going on.
These missions double as lessons of Galkan history, too. The adventurers were dispathed to explore the caves under Altepa Desert, and they ended up finding ancient murals depicting the sad tale of the Anticans driving the Galkas from their original home. So tragic, and so ancient... (Hmmm perhaps General Phu saw these wall before Galkas doodled all over them...)
Before the history lesson there were some Anticans to defeat, however. Pasifika and Lina were helped by a wonderful puppet, and a Hume that came along with it.
Oh, I can't go through with that... Thanks Astarael~~ ^_^
When you think of Bastok you think of Galkas, and the other way around... but Pasifika also befriended a cool San d'Orian Galka - in the icy North, appropriately. :o
But that was actually another adventure altogether... where was I?
After the Anticans in the tunnel... a gigantic slime in another tunnel. And it turned into lots of smaller slimes, more and more of them... o_o
But we beat the slimes, thank you for all the help!
Now we're nearing the final showdown, and after that... all three corners of the world will be safe fot Tarutarus!! :D
Soon Pasifika can return home to Windurst, to the familiar lo~ng winding roads, Tarutarus flocking all around, gentle breeze from the sea whispering in the palm trees... *_*
Back to the Moghouse
It's been a good few months and I have enjoyed it. I enjoyed most of my
game time and did a fair few things I'm proud of. However, what I didn't
do was ...
12 years ago