Friday, December 26, 2008

Legend of the Golden Pearl

In the good old prehistoric days, Phu talked appreciatively of this European linkshell he'd heard of, and after he joined I heard quite a few tales of the people there.

Now that I've had this legendary golden pearl for about 1 year 9 months 3 days 18 hours and 15 minutes, it's about time to make a video about it! :D

Music is the theme of Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

A reminder... despite some recent revelations of a certain player's gender, the glorious character of General Phu, lady Pasifika's first (and perhaps only) true love is, and has always been, a "he". :o
So there


Dibble said...

I is famous taru!

Anonymous said...

Kommentoin, jos vaikka muutkin sitten uskaltaisiavat... Tämäkin on hieno, niin kuin muutkin videot mitä teet.^^ Koska tehdään lisää poisheitettyä pasia?
Et varmaan ikinä arvaa kuka ;D

Sefie said...

Aww, tuli melkein tippa linssiin, kyllä on hieno LS, ei voi muuta sanoa. x)