Sunday, March 02, 2008

Spring is the time of... Tarutarus?

It's the time of cherry blossoms, beautiful decorations and delicious foods under the red-and-white parasols ...and tarutarus peeking from the table. o_O;
Hmm... maybe this is one of those 'Only in Windurst' kind of things. o_o;

Talking about tarutarus, Lina and Pasifika joined a really cute RDM one in campaign battle. But say... does he look a bit absent to you?

*poke poke*

Yeah, he's not quite here. Equip your markers, that means it's - doodle time! Mwahah... Oh you're back?! I mean, welcome back! ^^;

There's this ancient wisdom that says 'if you can't beat them, join them' - you think Pasifika's disguise will fool everyone?

Here's a more somber recollection to top this otherwise whimsical post:

1 comment:

Sefie said...

Videoooooooo~~~~ ;_____;