Tuesday, March 25, 2008

War and peace

At first it was only Al Zahbi in Aht Urghan that was attacked by beastmen at regularly irregular intervalls, and defended by both national and mercenary troops - but not any more. In the "past", the war rages on at the very gates of Windurst, as well as other nation's capitals. Isn't it time to end this maddness and bring about peace and prosperity? :O

If Pasifika had her own troops to rally... well, if she formed her own band of mercenaries, you'd have to meet some pretty hard criteria to qualify. And she'd sa~ve~ the wo~rld!
And you'd want to be there with her, making the difference! Right..?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Skill training

It can be hard to get yor skills up sometimes... weak opponents won't improve any skills and strong ones have a nasty habit of hitting back pretty hard. There's one perfect place to hone the club skill of a front line white mage, though...
Donthitme took Pasifika, Lina and Nakago to Lebros Caverns to take care some important missions of the Empire of Aht Urghan. The Immortals are his best pals now that he's blue mage, so maybe that's why he wants to serve the Empress... or then it's the hope of some new equipment that keeps him going. Most likely that.
First all four took their tags and accepted the mission, and then all headed to Lebros Caverns. There the ultimate skill-up opponents waited for them: they're tough enough to improve one's skills, but - because they are piles of rock - they never hit back. :D
Very efficient and safe, but you guessed it... the mission was a failure. The guy in Whitegate didn't seem to be the least bit disappointed, though, and instead he awarded some assault points for the effort. Nice! No one had anything agaist this mismatced party trying the same mission again, either. It wen't much better the second time, although not quite well enough - but Pasifika's club skill got a lot better! That cave is definitely worth some more visits.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Spring is indeed the time of tarutarus - in Windurst, anyway - and now they flock to the event Moogle to get some lettered eggs. Pasifika also stalked, erm, happened to see a taru in dancer af and another one in scholar af.
So cute~! Go tarutarus!

Some of the tarus (and others) were quite unresponsive or too busy to help, but Pasifika teamed with Lina to gather some eggs and amaze the Moogle with her knowledge of the 'secret combinations'. Ha, here's RONFA! And GUSTA and SARUT! How do you like that?! After a good while of figuring what eggs were needed and asking for help (but mostly waiting, really) both Lina and Pasifika got their furnishing eggs.

Here's Pasifika's entire collection of shiny event eggs! Impressive, huh?
This year's eggs don't only look a bit different from the ones last year, but they actually sound different, too!

With this Clockwork egg you might end up being late, though, because it wakes you up at 3 pm. I wouln't have thought Bastokans like to sleep that late, but maybe it's set to wake one up after an invigorating and productivity-enhancing nap. :o

The Melodious egg does exactly what the name promises - at 6 pm it sounds melodious chimes and notes gently float into the air from the depths of this ornate egg. Fine San d'Orian crafmanship, no doubt. Somehow it looks like a tiny fortification in itself, though.

The Hatchling egg... there's something - or someone - inside it... o_o And at 9 pm it lets you know it's hungry by growling. O_o

So, where do the taru cubs come from again? Or is this some secret experiment of Windurstian researchers, designed to reduce the number of adventurers by having them get mysteriously eaten in the dead of the night? o_O;

No... Let's just agree that it must be a new kind of cute pet that will hatch any moment now - I can see the eyes already! :D

Come on, just a little bit more, Mommy Pasifika is waiting~

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Spring is the time of... Tarutarus?

It's the time of cherry blossoms, beautiful decorations and delicious foods under the red-and-white parasols ...and tarutarus peeking from the table. o_O;
Hmm... maybe this is one of those 'Only in Windurst' kind of things. o_o;

Talking about tarutarus, Lina and Pasifika joined a really cute RDM one in campaign battle. But say... does he look a bit absent to you?

*poke poke*

Yeah, he's not quite here. Equip your markers, that means it's - doodle time! Mwahah... Oh you're back?! I mean, welcome back! ^^;

There's this ancient wisdom that says 'if you can't beat them, join them' - you think Pasifika's disguise will fool everyone?

Here's a more somber recollection to top this otherwise whimsical post: