Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Silent Night...

It was *supposed* to be a nice, quiet evening...
The scatterbrained Moogles would need some more help with the presents, that'd be fun. And those elvaan kids, always planning something... Pasifika thought she'd follow them with Ntfc and maybe some others, that could actually turn out to be interesting...

But no.
All of a sudden it was

Mission Time!


At least it's quiet here, most of the time.

Eerie, even.

But it's all gray, no colours anyhere...

Well, we made it to the top. Hurray. (Let's rest for a while.)


Anonymous said...

Ohh, that looks like Vahzl! Congratulations on making it to the top :D

Anonymous said...

if you need help on a re-run /wave
