Once more Pasifika had to wander through the gloomy halls of Fei'Yinin in search of a treasure chest, but luckily she had good company. ^^
{--Phucrabiont + 3 advanturing fellows x)
Some just get more of them, it's because some simply deserve more than others, you see... x)
...and also --}
Pasifika + 2 bodyguards x)
Here it's probably more about the need for them than beeing good enough to deserve them. XD
It was all worth it in the end. After finally finding a treasure chest, Pasifika returned to San d'Oria and found out what had really happened to the original scroll - and most importantly, she got her teleport scroll! :D Now that she has them all, she can travel around the world~! She did start traveling right away, because Nakago needed to go to the Altepa telepoint, visit Rabao and take supplies to the outpost of Xarcabard; Phucrabiont guided him and Pasifika provided the transportation.
Despite some, um, interesting discussion in the LS, also Nakago got the golden pearl. Well, of course he got it, because it was Phu who asked for it, and Pasifika kept quiet and did't say anything like 'you can't give him a pearl to an LS like *this*'... x)
Now Pasifika can freely visit places like the hot desert in Altepa, humid jungle in Yhoator or cold fields of snow in the north... and she can see the beautiful landscapes any time she wants... *_* (If there are no monsters near the telepoint - but there never are in the north. :D)
Back to the Moghouse
It's been a good few months and I have enjoyed it. I enjoyed most of my
game time and did a fair few things I'm proud of. However, what I didn't
do was ...
12 years ago
omggg noooo XD You're not a NPC fellow!! It's 2 PCs, 2 NPCs!! x) Although it does look quite silly when you've got one person tanking the mob and 3 other people behind the mob stabbing it in the back as fast as they can... XDD
Congratulations on all your teleport scrolls. :3
Congratulations on getting all the teleport scrolls. You are definitely very mobile now, travelling to the four corners of the world within seconds. How wonderful. One day I'll go to some of the places you mentioned too, and I'm looking forward to that. I remember when I first met Phu, I mentioned how nice it would be if we could travel and visit all the different places without having to worry about being aggroed.
Anyway, great job, Pasifika. See you online soon. From: Ametrine
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