Pasifika came back (it's Lina's fault, really...), and things... well, they had changed. Quite a lot. But some things were at least vaguely familiar still.
Apparently, Moogles have been having difficult times, since their recruitment criteria seem to be really lax these days....
Sure, some of these newcomers are doing their very best, with cute accessories and all...
...but all in all, the quality is quite varied from cute to ok to downright creepy, and...
...I think some are not really trying at all.
No, Mr Moogle, I don't want anything from you, and I certainly won't let you look after my plants. D:
But there are still monsters to kill:
And monsters to kill you:
Treasure to get:
Or die trying:
Oh, and Pasifika layed an egg.
Yeah, business as usual in Vana'diel.