Sunday, January 29, 2012


Just when I talked Lina and Dhm into coming with me to this "Dynamis" everyone* keeps talking about. ;_;

* By everyone I mean mainly Nt.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mog Tablet!

Now Pasifika has seen with her own eyes one of the elusive, mystifying Mog Tablets! She didn't find it quite by herself - actually, Lina found it for her - but Pasifika got it, and the kuporing!

It was the Tablet of Charity, so Pasifika also got the Opaline Dress... What should be done with it..? o_O

One day, one fine, wonderful day, Pasifika will get the Tablet of Temperance (yeah, right), but for now she gets the glory for finding the Tablet of Charity in Quifim. Go ask the Moogle! He'll tell you all about it...

That was all the excitement Pasifika got tonight, unless you count the fierce staring competition with an Elvaan (mostly afk) white mage. It went on and o~n... He started it!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Pasifika had never been to the shrouded and mysterious land of Dynamis before, but in the days of old she used to hear all kinds of rumours about it... mostly concerning death, deathga and even more death.

Now it was finally the time for her to see what it was all about, and it started off promisingly enough.

Pasifika dropped dead twice before even entering the creepy place.

After that... it wasn't at all as scary as it... well, should've been. Not as exciting or deadly. Just another place where an invincible Tarutaru could do whatever he liked - although he died once while fighting the boss. But the rest of the party just carried on - and survived, and won. How very not-dangerous.

The freezing monsters were kind of nice, with their funny poses.

Pasifika's patience was finally rewarded in the end, when she was the last to exit. She was left alone for about 12 seconds or so, and promptly died, and exited very dead.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Flying Tarutaru

Three adventurers, three adventuring fellows, some bats and beetles... Pasifika had a nice little adventure.

To make it all more interesting, there was also a very ugly NM...

And a flying Tarutaru...

The wings are somehow... not attached. Can you spot where the taru really is?