Last summer the popular idol girl Mumor joined forces with Uka, the dancing mithra, and they gave quite a show - and showed what's what to that foul fiend Ullegore, too.
This year Uka started the show alone as Mumor was nowhere to be seen, but in the end the girls did the grand finale together, with stupendous results:
Pasifika and Lina of course wanted to help their colleagues (everyone remembers Lina's and Pasifika's unparalleled summer event/show, right?), but they had some materialistic motives as well... It was rumoured that combining some hard-to-get prises from the summer event would create a shining furnishing, the celestial globe: "With a gentle shake, this exquisite crystal orb twinkles with the light of innumerable stars."
The star globe Pasifika got earlier had been a bit of a disappointment - it resembles a huge coloured egg more than the stars at the Heaven's Tower - but this was supposed to be more shiny. Much more shiny!*_*
Helping Uka by cheering and dancing earned Lina and Pasifika the pretty new yukatas - which gave them access to the expert levels of the minigames like chocobo catching (but why can't Pasifika also catch mandragoras, they're so cute too... ;_;), and that gave them one piece of coveted globe - a comet fragment.
The the traditional goldfishing game also had a new stellar surprise in store, but Pasifika had little luck catching fish. Lina, on the other hand, soon caught more than she coud comfortably carry, so she gave a couple of pretty shiny fish to Pasifika~
Lina also ate some of the big fish she caugh, but isn't that what a kitty is supposed to do with such catch.
Finally it was time to cheer Uka on again (didn't we beat that Moogle, I mean Diva already? o_O) to get the cosmic designs.
After that, it was just a matter of combining the elements into a shining orb of brilliance.
So cosmic... so shiny.... *_*
But... wouldn't it take at least two galkas to pick this thing up and give it a "gentle shake", like the instructions say!? @_@
Back to the Moghouse
It's been a good few months and I have enjoyed it. I enjoyed most of my
game time and did a fair few things I'm proud of. However, what I didn't
do was ...
12 years ago