Well, a lot of the excitement comes from the fact that tarutarus are involved, of course. :o (No... casting... cures... We'll claim if taru dies (noooo~~ ;_;))
/cheer tarutaru! No dagger for the brave taru who defeated the bird, though, and poor Dhm obviously got nothing as well.
The second time Dhm had a lot of help, and even some practice. Pasifika brought Romidiant out as healer, so that he could back her up should push come to shove, and he needed the practice. You might think it's easy to be the backup of a support job, but let's not forget Pasifika is a melee white mage! Ok, she had promised not to melee the notorious monster, but everything else is ok, right? Despite that, Romi was right on top of things from the beginning:
- Casting buffs on himself at all times: check (It's important to be prepared!)
- Casting haste at irregular intervals: check (Those were for Pasifika, so that's extra points.)
- Casting cures if things got too bad : check (Good boy!)
- Enfeebling with little to no effect: check (It's the thought that counts!)
- Silencing melee mobs: check (Um, the thought still counts, right? ^^;)
And importantly:
- Meleeing, complete with ws every now and then: check ((Front line job) mage :D)
- Magic bursting: check (O_O)
Go Romidiant! :D
On the other hand, silencing melee mobs is Pasifika's weak point - if only she could muster that kind of blind enthusiasm, she would pass for Dhm's adventuring fellow any day.
The second time around, an elvaan & tarutaru duo got the monster, and it's treasure too. Let's hope next time it's Dhm's turn. :D
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